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Exploring the possibilities of the different technological means of creating photographic images has always been a challenging aspect of the ever-evolving practices of the medium. This not only pertains to traditional devices such as pinhole cameras, but also to new technological advances like mobile photography. Some consider smartphones with their built-in cameras, apps and special effects to have brought us about a revolution in photography on a par with the industry-changing 1888 Kodak camera and its 1897 successor, the folding pocket Kodak camera. Ever since the end of the 19thcentury there have always been voices that decried the mass production of images inherent in new technological developments; this, however, has never stopped photographers from exploring the creative possibilities that the new devices may offer. It is mobile photography now that has become the ground for such experimentation and recognition. We would like to contribute to this development by offering a platform for photographers to show how they make use of the creative potential in mobile photography.

Juror's choice

Sára Sebestyén: Everyday Beauty

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